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A coat for the dog - yes or no?

"A dog doesn't need a coat, it has fur!" Such statements are often made when it comes to dog sweaters or coats. Clothing for four-legged friends is dismissed as humanization. As something totally unnecessary. But is that really the case?

I know enough reasons for a dog coat. You can find out what these are and what you should look out for when choosing the right coat in the following article.

Short-legged dog breeds in particular get cold stomachs in winter
Greyhounds have no undercoat and are sensitive to wet and cold

Dog coat - sense or nonsense?

Should a dog wear a coat or not? A question that cannot be answered with a clear yes or no. Rather, it depends on external factors such as temperature and weather conditions, but also on the dog itself.

Not every four-legged friend has a thick coat, for example the Italian Greyhound, the Weimaraner or the Miniature Pinscher. If the dog lacks the warming undercoat, it can freeze in a jiffy when it is wet or cold. You can imagine how uncomfortable that is. In this case, a coat provides warmth and protects your animal friend from hypothermia.

But there are other times when a coat makes sense for your dog.

  • Puppies
    The small dog children do not yet have a mature immune system and their fur is not thick enough to protect them from cold temperatures. Depending on weather conditions, a dog coat may be in order to keep your pup from getting sick.
  • Dogs from abroad
    If your four-legged friend comes from southern Europe, it may need time to get used to our cold temperatures. This is especially true if he moves in with you in the winter. But heavy rain and wind can also cause your dog to freeze at other times of the year.
  • Chronically ill and old dogs
    These animals require special protection. It costs the dog's body energy to generate heat. A dog coat is a relief for a sick or elderly four-legged friend, because he has to expend less energy to warm himself. A cloak can also help keep his health stable.
  • Very small dogs
    Especially small animals have less weight and can therefore hypothermia faster.
  • Freshly clipped dogs
    If your fur child has just been clipped, it should also be protected from the cold, wind and moisture.

More reasons for a dog coat

Even an animal with joint problems or muscle tension should be kept warm. When it's cold, the muscles tense up, which is very uncomfortable for an affected dog. However, if he is warmed by a sweater or coat, his muscles are looser and he can move better.

Another aspect are diseases such as cystitis, which can be caused by hypothermia or moisture. A coat is therefore an investment in your pet's health.

Whether your four-legged friend needs a dog sweater or coat, you should make this decision responsibly.

Here are some helpful clues for you:

  • Is your dog currently in pain or sick?
  • Does he have joint problems?
  • Does he hate going out when it's cold or wet?
  • Is he stiff-legged?
  • Does it tremble easily in cool temperatures?

All of these can be indications that a coat would be a good idea for him

Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Weimaraners hardly have any undercoat and are therefore more sensitive to cold

How to find the right dog coat

The fanciest dog coat is useless to your pet if it doesn't fit properly. The goal should be that your four-legged friend feels comfortable in it and likes to wear it. If you look around the market, you will find a wide variety of models in all possible colors, shapes and materials.

Before you decide on a coat, think carefully about what function it should fulfill. In summer temperatures, a thin rain cover may be enough, in winter it can be something warm. The more you know about the functions, the easier it will be for you to find the right coat.

These criteria can help you with your choice:

  • Can you clean or wash it?
  • Is it breathable?
  • How durable is the material?
  • Is the coat waterproof?
  • What exactly is the coat for?
  • Are the areas of the body that are particularly sensitive, such as the abdomen, protected?

Whether rain protection, a warm dog sports jacket or a cozy dog ​​sweatshirt, our shop offers comfortable coats and sweaters for your dog. Take a look right now.

dog coat – top or flop

My 15-year-old dog senior Jule is happy when I take her dog sweater out of the closet. She likes wearing it and I can clearly see how comfortable she feels with it. Letting her freeze would never occur to me. And even in heavy rain, I make sure it doesn't get wet to the skin.

Dismissing dog coats as humanization does not do justice to this topic. There are numerous reasons why such a garment can make sense.

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When will our four-legged friends start to freeze?

According to a study by Tufts University/USA, temperatures above 7°C are not a problem for most dogs. Below 4°C, smaller dog breeds and dogs with little fur or undercoat start to freeze . Below 0°C is uncomfortable for all dogs and really critical especially for smaller dogs with low body weight.
