Train travel with a dog – this is how it works.

Travelling by train is convenient and convenient. You just sit down and don't have to worry about anything else. However, if you are accompanied by your four-legged friend, there are a few points to consider. The journey should be as relaxed as possible for him and you, but also for the other travelers.

You will now find out what is important when traveling by train with your dog and which regulations apply.

Train travel with dogs - the regulations

Before you start, you should familiarize yourself with the regulations that apply to traveling by train with a dog. For example, your furry friend must be on a leash both in the station forecourt and in the station. If your dog is one of the dangerous breeds, it must also wear a muzzle.

Travelling with a dog in German local and long-distance transport

Travelling with a small dog is easy. If it is the size of a domestic cat, you can take it with you free of charge as hand luggage. All you have to do is place it in a suitable transport bag or box.

Is your four-legged friend bigger? Then you need a ticket for him, which costs as much as a children's ticket. During the journey, your dog may lie in front of, under or next to your seat. He must be on a leash and wear a muzzle.
Exception: Guide dogs and assistance dogs may travel free of charge and are exempt from the muzzle requirement.

International train travel with dogs

Similar regulations apply abroad to those on German rails. Here, too, small dogs can travel free of charge in a bag or box. Your larger conspecifics need their own ticket, must be muzzled and leashed. Before you start your journey, ask the veterinary office about the entry requirements of the individual countries. This is how you know whether special vaccinations or a health certificate are required.

Train travel with a dog - this is how it works

Some dogs board a train for the first time and have no problem boarding. Others need time to get used to the unfamiliar sounds and movements. It makes sense to take enough time to practice before a long journey to introduce your dog to train travel.

  1. Start with very short distances and do something nice after the ride.
  2. Get your dog used to staying in the holdall or crate. The more comfortable he feels in it, the more relaxed the ride will be. The same applies to wearing the muzzle. Give your animal time to become familiar with it.
  3. It's best to sit in a compartment. The through traffic of a large-capacity car is stressful for your dog because it is confronted with too many impressions.
  4. Prefer quiet times of the day for your journeys outside of rush hour traffic.
  5. Leave your dog off the aisle. This way he doesn't disturb other passengers and isn't constantly disturbed himself.
  6. Before the trip, take your dog for a long walk so that it can relieve itself.
  7. Stop feeding him a few hours before the train ride. An empty stomach helps to avoid feeling nauseous or retching.
  8. For very long distances, you should plan stopovers so that your dog can do its business and stretch its paws. It is therefore better to choose shorter journeys with the possibility of changing trains than a very long continuous connection.
  9. Pack towels and excrement bags in case your four-legged friend has an accident

Tip: It is best to take a water dispenser with you for the journey and a cozy blanket for your dog to relax on.

Traveling by train with a dog - travel sickness

Just like us humans, our fur buddies can suffer from motion sickness. This is very stressful for the animal. You should therefore support your dog with appropriate training and suitable preparations.

Symptoms of travel sickness can be, for example:

  • Salivate
  • heavy panting
  • great unrest
  • vomiting

Herbal remedies can help in this case, but stronger medication may also be necessary. Your vet will advise you on exactly what is suitable for your dog.

Travel relaxed on the train with your dog

Small dogs can easily travel with you in a suitable carrier bag or box at no extra cost. Larger animals need a ticket and must wear a muzzle. It is good to sit in a place that is as quiet as possible. So not only your dog can relax better, but also you. In the end, the following will hopefully apply to both of you: A train ride is fun. A train ride, that's nice!
